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Here's how you can get started with using VContainer.


VContainer requires Unity 2018.4 or later.

Install via OpenUPM

VContainer is available on the OpenUPM package registry. This is the preferred method of installation, as you can easily receive updates as they're released.

If you have openupm-cli installed, then run the following command in your project's directory:

openupm add jp.hadashikick.vcontainer

If you don't want to use openupm-cli (or if you're hosting VContainer on an alternative registry), you can manually add it to your project's manifest.json by modifying the scopedRegistries and dependencies fields:

"scopedRegistries": [
"name": "",
"url": "",
"scopes": [
"dependencies": {
"jp.hadashikick.vcontainer": "1.11.0"

Install via UPM (using Git URL)

Navigate to your project's Packages folder and open the manifest.json file. Then add this package somewhere in the dependencies block:

      "jp.hadashikick.vcontainer": "",

UPM should now install the package. This is useful if you're maintaining a fork of VContainer for your own project but don't want to set up a private registry.

Install manually (using .unitypackage)

There's little reason to use .unitypackages as all supported versions of Unity offer UPM. However, we provide one anyway just in case.

Navigate to your project's Packages folder and open the manifest.json file. Then add this package somewhere in the dependencies block:

      "com.unity.nuget.mono-cecil": "1.10.1",

Download the latest .unitypackage from the releases page and open it within your project. Install it as you would for any other package.